www.e-politikk.no fokuserer på etisk politikk.
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Viktige etiske utfordringer i verden.
Etiske tanker i noen verdenskulturer.
A Brief History of Tomorrow examines what might happen to the world when old myths are coupled with new godlike technologies, such as artificial intelligence and genetic engineering.
Humans conquered the world thanks to their unique ability to believe in collective myths about gods, money, equality and freedom – as described in Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. In Homo Deus, Prof. Harari looks to the future and explores how global power might shift, as the principal force of evolution – natural selection – is replaced by intelligent design.
What will happen to democracy when Google and Facebook come to know our likes and our political preferences better than we know them ourselves? What will happen to the welfare state when computers push humans out of the job market and create a massive new “useless class”? How might Islam handle genetic engineering? Will Silicon Valley end up producing new religions, rather than just novel gadgets?
As Homo sapiens becomes Homo deus, what new destinies will we set for ourselves? As the self-made gods of planet earth, which projects should we undertake, and how will we protect this fragile planet and humankind itself from our own destructive powers? The book Homo Deus gives us a glimpse of the dreams and nightmares that will shape the 21st century.
Humans conquered the world thanks to their unique ability to believe in collective myths about gods, money, equality and freedom – as described in Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. In Homo Deus, Prof. Harari looks to the future and explores how global power might shift, as the principal force of evolution – natural selection – is replaced by intelligent design.
As Homo sapiens becomes Homo deus, what new destinies will we set for ourselves? As the self-made gods of planet earth, which projects should we undertake, and how will we protect this fragile planet and humankind itself from our own destructive powers? The book Homo Deus gives us a glimpse of the dreams and nightmares that will shape the 21st century.
MGFteam ønsker å følge med på den digitale utviklingen og finne positive muligheter for oss over 60.
Hjelpe mennesker til å like seg i sitt kultur-hjemland - redusere folkevandring og kulturkonflikter. Stimulere til kulturforståelse i en flerkulturell verden.
La lyst og interesse være grunnlaget for hobby og jobb. Ingen skal oppfattes som mislykket selv uten en jobb. Alle bør ha en akseptabel økonomi.
Miljøvennlige og smarte løsninger for frakt av personer og varer. Skape enkle og sikre transportveier. Redusere ulykker og fjerne trafikkdødelighet.
Bitcoin er et åpent generelt nettverk for verdiutveksling med et revolusjonerende potensiale. Muligheter for å hindre falske penger og unngå svart økonomi.
- informasjon - kommunikasjon -
- en til mange - mange til mange -
Nye mediekanaler kan skape mer forståelse. Stille krav til seg selv - være gode offentlige debattanter.
Selvstendige mennesker tar ansvar og gjør jobben selv.
En god coach diskuterer mål, tilrettelegger, stimulerer til samhandling og et kreativt miljø.
Hvordan påvirker den digitale utviklingen verden og vårt verdensbilde?
Digital revolusjon for media.
Økt livskvalitet - bo lengre hjemme
Digital revolusjon - mindre verden .
Innvandring til et bedre sted?
Digital revolusjon - selvkjørende.
Digitale løsninger for bedre klima.
De store digitale selskapene trosser president Trump - Apple, Google, Microsoft, IBM, Amazon, Tesla, .....
Tyskland og Frankrike - EU-senter.
Brexit - GB - hvor skal de?
Hva skjer og hvorfor - sosiale nett.
En spennende utvikling.
UNTV's '21st Century' monthly news
Satser stort på ny teknologi.
Norges største mediekonkurrenter lanserer felles tjeneste mot falske nyheter
Hvordan ønsker jeg å forholde meg til alt det nye?
Teknologirådet gir råd til Stortinget og regjeringen om ny teknologi
Vi lever i en bedre verden enn vi tror.
I grafen over viser gapminder.org eksempel på verdens helsetilstand.
Fighting devastating ignorance with fact-based worldviews everyone can understand.
Instead of wasting our time blaming the media or condemning the human brain, we develop free teaching material to dismantle misconceptions and promote a fact-based worldview. Gapminder measures ignorance about the world We identify the most ignored global facts by comparing what people think against the official statistics. We run public polls and we ask knowledge questions to live audiences from stage. Gapminder makes global data easy to use and understand We develop data visualization tools to let people explore the vast treasure of global statistics.
Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious or economic affiliations. Gapminder is a fact tank, not a think tank. Gapminder fights devastating misconceptions about global development. Gapminder produces free teaching resources making the world understandable based on reliable statistics. Gapminder promotes a fact-based worldview everyone can understand. Gapminder collaborates with universities, UN, public agencies and non-governmental organizations. All Gapminder activities are governed by the board.